MOHRE Complaint | File Labour Complaint in 2 Minutes

mohre complaint, mohre, mohre enquiry, eservices mohre

Employees only chose labour
option when they think they are going to lose their hard earn
money and truly speaking this is the most doubtful period of expat life as they are not sure about the end results. Let’s discuss how to register MOHRE complaint.

In our previous article, we have written
the 7
things to consider before registering complaint against employer in UAE
, this
time we are here with a brief guide about how to file a complaint with the Ministry of Labour through its online complaint service in UAE named mohre enquiry or eservices mohre.

Types of labour complaints in UAE:

1.     Salary complaint
2.     Illegal deduction complaint
3.     Overtime complaint
4.     Gratuity complaint
5.     Annual leave complaint
6.     Extra hours work complaint
7.     Security and safety complaint
8.     Labour accommodation complaint
9.     Passport holding complaint
10. Resignation or termination complaint
11. Health Insurance complaint

How to register complaints in UAE:

1.     MOHRE website and mobile app
2.     By visiting TWAFOUQ (MOHRE center)
3.     UAE Labour Complaint Number 80084
4.     Dubai Police (only Dubai visa holders)

How to complaint online on PC/Desktop:

To report unpaid salaries or any other
dispute to ministry of labour, the employee need to lodge a complaint through MOHRE website, click below link to begin the complaint process.

Step 1:
After clicking above link, you will be redirected to the official page of eservices MOHRE, write your name, mobile number, get OTP via sms, verify your self by entering the OTP and click on Employee.

mohre complaint

Step 2: Write your labour card number or passport number and nationality and click search button. If you don’t have Labour card number, check it online for free.

enquiry mohre

Step 3: You will be shown your company details, hit add complaint button. 

Mohre eservices, mohre complaint

Step 4:
The last and important step is to confirm the:

a)    Complaint type, choose it from the menu.
b)    Claim type (salary etc).

c)     Write Claim amount with dates.

mohre complaint

Once done filling, click on register complaint button to complete the request. Both employee and employer will receive the
confirmation sms from MOHRE in Arabic and English language on registered mobile
numbers mentioning the following details:

1.     Appointment date and time
2.     Complaint number (MB123456789AE)
3.     Employee name
4.     Employee work permit number
5.     Establishment (company) number
6.     Location map of TWAFOUQ center

Ministry of Labour complaint

How to register complaint on Mobile/Tablet:

Complaint through mohre mobile app is
a bit different and require extra verification, to begin download the mohre uae
mobile app through below links.

After downloading and installation of
MOL app, open it, click menu and then click on services. After services
overview, look for employee tab. After clicking employee tab you will see
government services related to employee, click on complain icon.

complaint through mohre app, mohre complaint, mohre eservices, eservice mohre,

Step 1:
After clicking complain icon, you will be redirected to a user verification
page where system verify contact details of employee through OTP. Write your
name, active mobile number and click on send OPT button.

salary complaint in mohre app

Step 2:
check your phone for a text message from ministry with one time password. Write
the code in verification box and click on verify OTP.

mol uae complaint

Step 3:
Chose Employee option to start filling salary complain to Ministry of Labour.

labour complaint by employee in uae

Step 4:
Write your passport number, nationality, date of birth and click submit button.

How to register labour complaint in uae

Step 5:
Once you submitted the complaint request you will received an sms on your given
mobile number with details of complaint such as company name with code,
employee name with work permit number and the most importantly the UAE labour complaint number
also known as complaint application number or complaint reference number.

mohre complain

How TWAFOUQ resolve
After successful complaint request the
TWAFOUQ center (mohre) will send an sms to both parties with a message to mutually
discuss the issue, if both parties can solve the dispute, the case can be
closed after confirming from both employer and employee on phone, if not the
twafouq center will contact both parties through another sms and call to visit
the nearest service center to meet legal researcher.

Once the employee or employer reached
the twafouq office, they will ask customer services or receptionist about their
appointment, the reception staff will check their case number and enter it in
the system so the legal researcher arrange a meeting, both parties will also
receive an sms upon arrival to the service center. It is always best to visit
10 minutes earlier before the scheduled time.

What if both parties agree to resolve
It’s mohre first concern to mediate
between the two parties in first meeting or within 48 hours, luckily if
employee or employer agrees to resolve the case, the twafouq staff will ask to
clear the debts, dues or any final settlement in front of him, if successfully
handled, the case will be mark resolved (close) in system and signed will be
taken from both parties. Both parties will also receive a confirmation sms with
message of settlement.

What if parties do not agree to
In case if the reconciliation fails,
the complaint will be forwarded to court of jurisdiction. Please note that
after the case is forwarded to labour court the twafouq center will have no
power to take final decision, it will be the judge at court who decide the
settlement option on judgment day unless both parties agree to reach a friendly

How to check MOHRE complaint status?

To check salary
complaint status, you need to visit eNetwasal complaint follow up page,
once landed to the tracking page, write your complain reference number received
through sms by mohre and click submit.

salary complaint status

Another option to check ministry of labour uae complaints is through MB number, to do this, open mohre app in your smart phone and
look for the status inquiry on home page. Write your complaint number (MB123456789AE)
in the box and enter search button. 

Dubai Police Complaint Online:

Dubai Police allow workers to submit
complaints against their companies. The complain types should be from one of
the following:

Salary complaint
Living condition
Safety and
security of labour accommodation

Please keep in mind that employees who
have residence visas issued from Dubai can only use the complaint service. The complaint
is free of cost and can be register through below service channels.

1.     Dubai Police Website
2.     Dubai Police Smart App
3.     By visiting the nearest police center
4.     Through toll free by dialing 901
5.     Email

How to register complaint to Dubai

Registering complaints to Dubai Police
require below details to fill:

Valid Emirates ID
Active mobile
Email address
Company full name
as registered in license
Complain details
up to 512 characters
Select captcha
image and click submit

labor complaint dubai police, dubai police complaint

If you think you have all the
necessary information required for the complaint, fill it after clicking below
which will redirect you to Dubai Police official web page.

Links used in Article:

Important Points:

The Mohre complaint
status can be track in Mohre app.

By submitting complaint either to Dubai Police or the Ministry of Human Resources and
Emiratisation, they will contact the administration of employee establishment
for the investigation and accuracy of complaint.
It is advisable
to know your rights before submitting complaint.
Do not afraid of
employer reaction, no one is above law in UAE, be confident and always speak
Check your labour
contract online
, read all the articles in-order to know what you have signed
in your contract and what are the benefits you are entitled for as per UAE Labour Law.

Read UAE
labor law title nine
(collective labour disputes) before registering labour
through enquire mohre.

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